Project Research 2014/15
Elisabeth Wörndl and Gertrude Moser-Wagner
Rome is the city where history and present time are piled up in a fascinating way. New archaeological sites are found and opened constantly. This fact is taken up and examined under the aspect of a name: Julia(in Latin) or Giulia (in Italian).
Women named Julia make history, according to this assertion. Elisabeth Wörndl und Gertrude Moser – Wagner artistically examine Julia/Giulia under this aspect. They investigate historical places which have something to do with Julia or existing houses called "Julia/Giulia": like the Villa Giulia very close to the Austrian Cultural Forum in Rome, as well as the Villa Julia, established at the Roman's time for the daughter of the Emperor Augustus on the exile island Ventotene, or in Pompeii the house of Julia Felix. Also former Etruscan places, history and stories are taken up in search for Julia.
Draft, Julia_Giulia 2014, Photos: Internet and Vatican Necropolis, 2014